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来源:曲阜师范大学 2006-12-27 10:15:27 【字体:小 大】



学校现有6个博士点,7个硕士一级学科,77个硕士点,55个本科专业,涵盖了文、理、工、法等10大学科门类;设有1个独立学院(杏坛学院),29个院(系),28个研究所, 8个省级重点学科,2个省级重点实验室;设有国家体育总局体育社会科学重点研究基地、教育部曲阜师范大学基础教育课程研究中心、山东省激光偏光工程技术研究中心、山东省儒学研究基地和山东省体育人文社会科学研究基地。



Qufu Normal University


Qufu Normal University is one of the key universities in Shandong Province. It is located in Qufu, the home town of Confucius---the great philosopher, educator and the creator of Confucianism. It has its new campus in the beautiful coastal city---Rizhao. In more than 50 years after its foundation, the university has been taking Confucius’ words as its instructional standard: “ To retain curiosity in learning, to teach and never become weary”.

The instructional standard also aims for a very healthy mood: diligence, simplicity, unity and personal initiative. It has trained and provided more than 130 thousand qualified graduates to society and it has been making a great contribution to Shandong’s economic construction.

The university has six doctoral degree programs, seventy-seven master degree programs of which seven were regarded as the first courses of study. It has fifty-five four year specialties which cover ten branches of learning including literature, science, industry and law. The university has one independent college (Xing Tan College), twenty-nine schools and departments, twenty-eight research institutes, eight provincial key programs and two provincial key laboratories. National Physical Educational Social Science Key Research Base, Shandong Basic Curriculum Reform Center, Shandong Laser Polarization Engineering and Technology Center, Shandong Confucius Research Base and Shandong Physical Educational Social Science Research Base were also set in the university. 

The university invited Dr. Ding Zhaozhong who was awarded a prize of Nobel and a famous physicist as its honored president. It also invited two academicians and eight professors from different universities. There are 2360 faculty and staff. The faculty numbers 1300 of whom 199 are professors and 261 are associate professors. Five young experts were respectively awarded national and provincial recognition for their exceptional contributions. There are eleven faculty who were honored as Shandong outstanding professionals in their fields. Forty faculty are candidates for the academic backbone of Shandong high schools, and twenty-six faculty shared the nation subsidy. The university now has 2049 post-graduates, 25203 four- year and two -year students and 14198 continuing education students. 

The university covers an area of more than 2535 mu (about 166 hectare). Its building area occupies over 738 thousand square meters. The teaching and research assets are valued at 152 million yuan. The library houses 2.61million books. Four academic magazines are published by the university: Qilu Publication, Qufu Normal University Journal, High School Math, and Modern Chinese. The university is one of the first 200 universities announced by the Education Ministry which have the right to accept foreign students. It has established a friendly relationship with 26 universities from abroad.


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